Organizational arrogance explains arrogance at the organizational level and how a leader’s arrogant behavior shapes organizational culture and organizational members’ acceptable behaviors. The theoretical and conceptual foundation consists of narcissistic leadership theory, Machiavellian leadership theory, psychopathy leadership theory, autocratic leadership theory, organizational identity, and arrogance.  Dr. Herbin coined the term organizational arrogance, which describes an organizational environment where leaders shape a culture in which organizational members behave with a sense of superiority that leads to overconfidence in organizational capabilities, dismissiveness toward internal or external matters, and disparagement toward intra-organizational or interorganizational members. 

This comprehensive and inclusive definition helps leadership practitioners, HR professionals, organizational leaders and employees at all levels recognize this phenomenon’s intricacies. It specifically also explains how organizational arrogance contains three behavioral components: Overconfidence in Organizational Capabilities, Dismissiveness Towards Internal and External Organizational Matters, and Disparagement Towards Intra-organizational and Interorganizational Members.

Organizational arrogance represents a culture.   An organizational way of life where arrogant behaviors permeate throughout the organization. Organizational arrogance also recognize that leaders’ arrogant behavior (active or passive) influence organizational members’ arrogant behavior and eventually the organizational identity and culture.

Concentrating on the leaders’ role in fostering this environment, issues arise when arrogant individuals assume leadership positions because their span of influence on organizational members and the organizations expands in width and depth.

Organizations destined for greatness cannot dismiss the influence arrogant leaders possess when developing an organizational culture and incorporating acceptable workplace behaviors, attitudes, and thoughts.   Leadership and culture work seamlessly together.   Leaders’ direct or indirect influence impacts the direction of an organization.  When organizational members convey that arrogant thoughts, actions, and attitude are acceptable, a culture of arrogance will manifest and prove catastrophic.

You have a limited time to make an unlimited impact. Prepare, educate, and learn the signs of organizational arrogance before it is too late.

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